About Us

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About Us

Evangelize the Poor particularly in Pakistan

We believe that it would be unjust for us the Church and its members that if we do not make a use of this valuable modern source which is known as Mass Media. Through the medium of social media one can spread the Gospel through videos from conversions to apologetics. Likewise, the Church can use social media to spread powerful and possibly life-changing articles which open the eyes of people to the truth or spark an interest to learn more.







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Who We Are?

Oblate Media Center Pakistan

Oblates in Pakistan

It was an ample day when at the invitation of Msgr. Benedict Cialeo OP, Bishop of Lyallpur, three pioneer Oblate missionaries from Sri Lanka barge in the land of Pakistan on February 14, 1971. After studying the local languages for as few months the Oblates were assigned . . .

Our Vision

We, Oblates of Mary Immaculate, are Christ centered missionaries living in apostolic community, committed to the integral libration and evangelization of the most abandoned poor, We accomplish this, under the patronage of Mary our Mother, with our people, by a life of simplicity in a spirit of generosity.

Our Mission

We, envisage to achieve our goals in collaboration with the local church through parochial ministry, preaching, promotion of Marian devotion, formation of youth, education, striving for Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPEC), and other special ministries in response to the signs of our time.